"The 411"

My photo
A small, luminous portal, somewhere on the western edge of the Atlantic, northern hemisphere, 3rd rock from the Sun
When I was about 7 years of age, I stood in the middle of Robin's Field Primary School's playground on a glorious, cloudless, autumn day in London. Gazing up, a burst of ceruleun sky seared through me. I had been awakened from a deep, protective state of numb. Future decades jerked me back & forth on the teeter- totter of life. Great ups, miserable downs, nanoseconds of breathtaking joys, infinite hours deep inside pain. A couple of years ago, I began to hit the mercurial Wall o' Menopause. True to self, I went at it, head first, in a pool of icy hot sweat, the proverbial sledge hammer. Spiritually & emotionally, I was drained. Empty. As in "this well was D-R-Y." Of everything. Time passed & I began waking up again - just like on the playground. In reality, I must say, I really like this side of 50. "The best is yet to come ... "

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Spring - in all its glory ...

It's been a quiet winter, here in da gadda.

Then, all of a sudden -
Despite a couple of cold blasts,
the lifecycle prevails.
Lots of juicy, succulent food.
Survival of the fittest -
from the seeds of all wombs.
For now, the joy of sitting,
Mother to Mother
Nature & me

Saturday, January 10, 2009

You're invited to MOONDANCE

(music playing ... start singing)

"Well, it's a marvelous night for a moondance,
With the stars up above in your eyes.
A fantabulous night to make romance,
'Neath the cover of January skies"

Indeed it is ... a magnificent night ... clear & bright ...

satellites streak across the night sky, swift, faint glows ...

there's a crispness in the air tonight ... the crisper the air, the juicier the fruit!

I do hope you paused to look up tonight ....

I certainly did

Friday, January 9, 2009

"Wasp it all about, Alfie?"

It's full pollen alert here in Juicey town. Red eyes, runny noses & sneezing abounds.

The flip side to the discomfort is that the vegitation is exquisitely verdent & plentiful.

Plump, red berries call to the froliking squirrels. Precariously dangling by their tails, they pick off the last juicy bunches at the farthest ends of the willowy limbs. Bellies full, they chatter to one another in cheerful clicks.

The gadda is also full of eager insects, polinating everything they touch.

Come & take a quick peek inside a couple of sista k's bloomers today ....

"Wasp it all about, Alfie?"

This lucky chap gets positively drunk on delicious, sun-warmed nectar.

"A la salud!"

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Back to school nirvana & my first mistake of the year ... maybe!

"It's all about balance," they say.

Breathe in. Breathe out. Breathe in. Breathe out ...


I have this photo on our bedroom wall. Whenever I look at it, the message I used to hear is "Get centered. Get grounded."

Then it became "Be centered. Be grounded." Right now, I am holding at: "I am centered. I am grounded."
Less rolling stone, move mindfully stacked rock-Jenga.

Why the musing? Well .... Sunny-Brooke, Sweet Judy Blue Eyes & yours ever so truly must have been overcome by a hefty dose of New Yearitis when we reconvened at the gym the other day. Elated that all off-spring were securely sequestered at their various schools, bleary eyed & wiped out from the 24-7 party which made up the majority of school break, we found ourselves almost heady with joy & full of the promise of a life back in routine.
Clearly, however, something was out of whack. Before you knew it, we had signed ourselves up for the "eat less, exercise more" January thru March gym challenge which translates loosely into humiliation, deprivation & determination!

All that really eclipsed my mind: I just wanted to know if it involved public weighings or would we use those defunct Florida voting booths complete with black curtain for added privacy ...

By Sunday night, sista k began to panic. She put in an emergency call to Sunny-Brooke as Sweet JBE was having a nap. Once she established that S-B was in a supportive frame of mind, I hardly had the opportunity to launch into my Socratic thesis as to why I was panicking, feeling like I am setting myself up to fail etc. A simple, terse interruption cured me: "Just don't do it then!"

Wow! Imagine that! FREE!!!!!! Could it really be THAT simple? Fugeduboudit .... Never once did it even remotely occur to me that I had a choice in backing out of my foolhardy committment. NOT ONCE!!! E- V- A!!!!!!!! I found myself totally gobsmacked to find that "just saying no" was a viable option after all.

Naturally, now I am totally committed! At least for the first week - can't possibly drop out before we even start ....

I LOVE food! I HATE to exercise! But what is worse?

Simply put, an innate allergy to Lane Bryant coupled with a Himalayan fear of the next ominous size up which is spelled "mu-mu" I think ...
So when things are looking impossibly huge, back we go to nature: just when the caterpillar thought it was all over, it became a butterfly ....
Breathe in ... breathe out .... breathe in .... breathe out ...